Ben turned 31 on Tuesday November 17th. His family celebrated on the previous Sunday. They made a yummy dinner with salmon and veggies and for dessert his sister Holland made Swedish pancakes, which he loves! I have come to find out you cannot substitue whole wheat flour for white, which I like to do. Also he will not eat brown rice unless I make it into sugary rice pudding. 🙂 Anyways, on his birthday we went to Tucanos and ate till we wanted to explode! It was yummy, but neither one of us know when to stop.
After weeks of debate about whether to get a Playstation 3, Wii, or XBox 360 we finally decided on the Playstation 3 because it is also a great Blu-ray player. We headed off to Best Buy with 3 Best Buy gift cards and 2 Visa card gift cards to make the purchase. It was quite the expense with the added remote control and extra controller and of course we had to buy a couple Blu-rays. We got great ones though; Disney’s UP, Star Trek, and Chronicles of Narnia- Prince Caspian (First movie Ben and I watched Together). Happy Birthday Sweetie!!! Now we are only 4 years apart instead of 5. That makes me feel better 😉 .