Last night Wendy sleepily put her arms halfway around me, opened her eyes halfway and said:
Wendy: “Huck, huck.”
Ben: “What? Did you just say, ‘huck, huck?'”
Wendy: “Yeah, it’s what it says on your screen.”
Ben<perplexed>: “What’s screen?”
Wendy<with the slightest bit of annoyance>: “Your screen, not mine.”
Ben<now laughing>: “Wendy, what are you talking about.”
Wendy: “It’s your food challenge. Each week you have a food challenge.”
Ben: <laughing>
<three minutes passes>
Wendy: “Why are you laughing at me?”
Wendy doesn’t remember any of this conversation but I jotted down some notes of what she said so I wouldn’t forget it in the morning. This was the conversation almost verbatim.