We are pretty cool, right? We have a nice place to live. You make it nicer, fill it full of cute things, we like the neighborhood, etc. It’s not in need of too much. We drive okay cars. They get us from point A to B. We have a pretty much everything we’ve ever asked for. This recently includes the new camera and will soon include a giant bed. I think we’re doing okay for ourselves.
None of that matters too much though because it could change in an instant. What matters is that we have a tremendous appreciate and love for each each other. We have an amazing little girl. Our love is sealed for eternity and we will always have each other. You are my everything. The bonds between us will not change.
You do so much for our little family. You are always taking care of Elsie and doing something else for us at the same time. You never stop and it must be tremendously hard to have her as a responsibility plus all of the rest of the chores and errands. It’s a tremendous sacrifice to continually not get to do what you want when you want and it shows how much you love us both.
During a car ride home from the parentals I wanted to be in a bad mood because things hadn’t gone exactly as I had wanted them to. My planned bad mood didn’t last more than a few minutes into the ride because I got caught up in your conversation and we started talking about whatever it was we were talking about. I enjoy spending time with you. You are the one I spend time with by choice. I don’t like some of your TV shows but I always enjoy watching TV with you because it’s time spent near you.
I’m looking forward to a long car ride with you to the Great White North. I’m looking forward to eating lunch with you today. I look forward to doing anything with you. You are fun. You are giving. You are kind.
I feel secure and comfortable because I trust you and I know you love me. I’m happy and I want you to be happy. I need you. I want you. I love you.